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Benchtop centrifuges

Benchtop centrifuges Trade Leads:

Micro Sample Centrifuge Laboratory Centrifuge Machine 1.5 / 2.2ml H-1600a Micro Sample Centrifuge Laboratory Centrifuge Machine 1.5 / 2.2ml H-1600a - LixinjianCentrifuge ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 1 July 2022 4:21 am - micro sample centrifuge laboratory centrifuge machine 1 5 2 2ml h 1600a application h 1600a micro sample laboratory centrifuge has been designed for placed angle rotor 18 tubes of 1 5 ml tube or 36* 0 5ml tube with t...

Compact Medical Centrifuge Machine Hematocrit For Medical / Clinical Compact Medical Centrifuge Machine Hematocrit For Medical / Clinical - LixinjianCentrifuge ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 1 July 2022 4:17 am - compact medical centrifuge machine hematocrit for medical clinical application the haematokrit tg12mx delivers high performance hematocrit centrifugation and convenient ergonomics and versatility for the modern la...

Medical Centrfiuge Benchtop Brushless Motor Angle Rotor 24 Tubes Economic L-450 Medical Centrfiuge Benchtop Brushless Motor Angle Rotor 24 Tubes Economic L-450 - LixinjianCentrifuge ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 1 July 2022 4:11 am - medical centrfiuge benchtop brushless motor angle rotor 24 tubes economic l 450 application tabletop low speed centrifuge is widely used in the field of clinical medicine biochemistry genetic engineering immunology etc it ...

Looking For Partner By Centrifuge Manufacturer Looking For Partner By Centrifuge Manufacturer - centrifuge ( China-CN China ) - Wanted International Agents and Distributors - Thursday 20 November 2014 5:20 am - looking for partner by centrifuge manufacturer dear sir or madam centrifuge manufacture here exporting products with good quality and competitive price in shanghai china for 10 years we supp...

Benchtop Laboratory Centrifuge L-530 Benchtop Laboratory Centrifuge L-530 - centrifuge ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Monday 25 February 2013 12:58 pm - benchtop laboratory centrifuge l 530 model l 530 max rcf 4980*g max speed 5300r min noise amp #8804 65dba max capacity 72*7ml 4x 50ml 4x 100ml 8x 50m...

Low Speed Benchtop Centrifuge L-450a Low Speed Benchtop Centrifuge L-450a - centrifuge ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Sunday 27 January 2013 5:32 am - low speed benchtop centrifuge l 450a model l 450a max rcf 2420*g max speed 4500r min noise amp #8804 50dba max capacity 12*15ml 12x 10ml 8x 20ml 12x 7ml p...

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