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Bi metallic sensors

Bi metallic sensors Trade Leads:

Latch Type Hall Sensor Ah512 Latch Type Hall Sensor Ah512 - ahest ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 2 September 2020 9:00 am - latch type hall sensor ah512 latch type hall sensor ah512 features of our hall sensor rated working voltage 4 5 v ~ 24 v the limit voltages as low as 3 5 v operating temper...

6pins Long Rang Human Motion Detector Hm612 9 6pins Long Rang Human Motion Detector Hm612 9 - Senba ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 27 September 2019 12:53 am - 6pins long rang human motion detector hm612 9 overview senba is the specialist pir manufacturer for more than 15 years we are the most advanced factory with complete categories with strong r ...

6pins Digital Passive Infrared Sensor 9 6pins Digital Passive Infrared Sensor 9 - Senba ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 27 September 2019 12:52 am - 6pins digital passive infrared sensor 9 overview senba is one of the most professional pir sensor manufacturers for more than 15 years we are the most advanced factory with complete cate...

Vibration Sensor Vibration Sensor - Transmitter ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Monday 8 January 2018 9:04 am - vibration sensor vibration sensor discription cjvb all in one vibration sensor integrates piezoelectric acceleration sensor with precision measuring circuit that ...

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