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Electrical controls and accessories


Electrical controls and accessories Latest Trade Leads

Industrial M160e Io Module Rs485 Rj45 For Scada Mes System Industrial M160e Io Module Rs485 Rj45 For Scada Mes System - bliiot ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 1 December 2023 12:52 am - industrial m160e io module rs485 rj45 for scada mes system the m series ethernet remote i o module is an industrial class isolated designed high reliability high stability and high precision data acquisit... [Electrical control modules]

Do / Din / Ain 8 Ports Ethernet I / O Module For Data Acquisition And Control Do / Din / Ain 8 Ports Ethernet I / O Module For Data Acquisition And Control - bliiot ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 1 November 2023 2:08 am - do din ain 8 ports ethernet i o module for data acquisition and control it is design for working in the harsh industrial application environment widely used in a variety of industrial automation security monitoring sys... [Electrical control modules]

Industrial M140t Remote Control And Monitoring I / O Module Industrial M140t Remote Control And Monitoring I / O Module - bliiot ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 1 November 2023 2:04 am - industrial m140t remote control and monitoring i o module the m series ethernet remote i o module is an industrial class isolated designed high reliability high stability and high precision data acquisit... [Electrical control modules]

Opc Ua Distributed I / O Module For Lithium Battery Industry Opc Ua Distributed I / O Module For Lithium Battery Industry - bliiot ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Tuesday 31 October 2023 10:36 am - opc ua distributed i o module for lithium battery industry model bl205 fieldbus protocols  opc ua max  io module  32 data  transmission  medium   ether net cat 5 connection method  2*rj45 transmission ... [Electrical control modules]

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