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Sculpture supplies and accessories


Sculpture supplies and accessories Latest Trade Leads

Air Casters Suitable Applied On Clean Rooms And Epoxy Resin Floor Air Casters Suitable Applied On Clean Rooms And Epoxy Resin Floor - AIRCASTERSFACTORYLTD ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Tuesday 24 November 2020 9:53 am - air casters suitable applied on clean rooms and epoxy resin floor air bearing skids allowing almost friction free transport and positioned in horizontal directions air skids is one kind of moving and handling too... [Play tools or play tool kits]

Sinye Easy-collapsible No-bake Resin For Aluminum Casting Sinye Easy-collapsible No-bake Resin For Aluminum Casting - XingyeMaterials ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 10 June 2020 3:19 am - sinye easy collapsible no bake resin for aluminum casting xy series no bake resin for aluminum casting binder system consists of three parts part i polyalcohol part ii polymeric isocyanate and part iii xc... [Casting resins]

Sinye Low Concentration So2 Cured Cold Box Resin Sinye Low Concentration So2 Cured Cold Box Resin - XingyeMaterials ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 10 June 2020 3:07 am - sinye low concentration so2 cured cold box resin characteristics the mixture has overlong bench life increases the productivity and utilization significantly excellent fluidity of the mixture ... [Casting resins]

Sinye Cold Box Resin Sinye Cold Box Resin - XingyeMaterials ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 10 June 2020 3:04 am - sinye cold box resin xl series cold box resin binder system consists of three parts part i phenolic resin part ii polymeric isocyanate part iii triethylamine charac... [Casting resins]

Sinye No-bake Furan Resin Sinye No-bake Furan Resin - XingyeMaterials ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Tuesday 9 June 2020 7:43 am - sinye no bake furan resin sinye no bake furan resin is a kind of foundry resin produced in accordance with amp amp superior to its industrial standard it is our earliest a... [Casting resins]

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