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Commercial ductile iron pipe

Commercial ductile iron pipe Trade Leads:

As2280 Ductile Iron Pipe And Fittings As2280 Ductile Iron Pipe And Fittings - Bellindustry ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Monday 25 June 2018 1:30 am - as2280 ductile iron pipe and fittings our range of ductile iron pipe and fitting products include dicl pipe and fbe fittings our ductile iron fittings are manufactured to as nzs2280 al...

Awwa Fittings Awwa Fittings - solidpipeline ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 28 July 2017 1:08 am - awwa fittings awwa fittings ductile iron pipe fitting standard  awwa c110 flange fittings awwa c153 mj fittings working pressure  mj fittings 350 psi rat...

Di Pvc Fittings Di Pvc Fittings - solidpipeline ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 28 July 2017 1:07 am - di pvc fittings di pvc fittings ductile iron pipe fitting standard  iso2531 en545 en598 pressure  pn10 pn16 pn25 pn40 body material  ductile iron coating   ...

Metal Casting Ductile Iron Fcd550 Double Flange With Duckfoot Short Radius 90 Bend Flanged Fittings Metal Casting Ductile Iron Fcd550 Double Flange With Duckfoot Short Radius 90 Bend Flanged Fittings - solidpipeline ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 28 July 2017 1:06 am - metal casting ductile iron fcd550 double flange with duckfoot short radius 90 bend flanged fittings metal casting ductile iron fcd550 double flange with duckfoot short radius 90 bend elbow flanged fittings ductile iron pipe fitting standard  iso...

Di Loosing Flange Fittings Di Loosing Flange Fittings - solidpipeline ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 28 July 2017 1:04 am - di loosing flange fittings di loosing flange fittings flanged fittings ductile iron pipe fitting standard  iso2531 en545 en598 pressure  pn10 pn16 pn25 pn40 body materi...

Di Flange Fittings Di Flange Fittings - solidpipeline ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 28 July 2017 1:03 am - di flange fittings di flange fittings flanged fittings ductile iron pipe fitting pressure  pn10 pn16 pn25 pn40 body material  ductile iron coating   a inside c...

Di Socket Fittings With Mechnical Joint K-type Joint Di Socket Fittings With Mechnical Joint K-type Joint - solidpipeline ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 28 July 2017 1:02 am - di socket fittings with mechnical joint k type joint di socket fittings with mechnical joint k type joint ductile iron pipe fitting socket fittings standard  iso2531 en545 en598 range  dn100 dn...

Di Socket Fittings With Ex Joint Di Socket Fittings With Ex Joint - solidpipeline ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 28 July 2017 1:01 am - di socket fittings with ex joint di socket fittings with ex joint ductile iron pipe fitting socket fittings standard  iso2531 en545 working pressure  16 bar or 250 psi range...

Di Socket Fittings With Self-anchoring Joint Restrained Joint Di Socket Fittings With Self-anchoring Joint Restrained Joint - solidpipeline ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 28 July 2017 12:58 am - di socket fittings with self anchoring joint restrained joint di socket fittings with self anchoring joint restrained joint ductile iron pipe fitting socket fittings standard  iso2531 en545 en598 range ...

Di Socket Fittings With Push-on On Joint Tyton Joint Di Socket Fittings With Push-on On Joint Tyton Joint - solidpipeline ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 28 July 2017 12:58 am - di socket fittings with push on on joint tyton joint di socket fittings with push on on joint tyton joint socket fittings ductile iron pipe fitting standard  iso2531 en545 en598 range  dn80 dn2...

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