Aluminum Clad Copper Tube - SMCMetallicCoatedMetal (
China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Monday 13 April 2015 8:55 am - aluminum clad copper tube
specifications of aluminum clad copper tube
1 grade c11000copper 3003aluminum
2 outside diameter 6 35 19 05mm
3 wall thickness 0 5 1 20mm
4 ...
High Wear Resistant Bimetal Clad Pipe - sdhhcasting (
China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 10 July 2014 5:24 am - high wear resistant bimetal clad pipe
material kmtbcr5mog kmtbcr15mog kmtbcr26nimog
process lost foam process
wall thickness 10 20mm
pipe size amp #8807 dn60
main machinery mec...