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Products By Category

Lamp Lens

Lamp Lens Trade Leads:

Custom Meniscus Lens Custom Meniscus Lens - clzoptics ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 20 November 2020 6:22 am - custom meniscus lens custom meniscus lens meniscus lens has two spherical curved surfaces one outwardly curved and other inwardly curved meniscus lens can be either p...

No product photos were provided Optical Glass Domes - clzoptics ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 7 August 2019 6:43 am - optical glass domes optical glass domes optical domes for pyranometer in high quality at clz precision optics we specialize in manufacturing glass optical domes from c...

Spherical Lenses Spherical Lenses - clzoptics ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 11 July 2019 7:22 am - spherical lenses clz precision optics offers a wide range of high quality spherical lenses for a variety of applications including plano convex lenses plano concav...

Lkd 4x12 2835 3030 Series Lkd 4x12 2835 3030 Series - Michaeljack ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 6 September 2018 7:51 am - lkd 4x12 2835 3030 series models lkd 4x12series lkd 3x10 series lkd ac4x6 series angle 62°x144° 90° 120° 30° * 30° 90° *90° 60° * 60° matching led cree 2835 303...

Zoom Lens 300x 180x 120x 100x Industry Microscope Camera Eyepiece Accessories Adjustable Zoom Lens 300x 180x 120x 100x Industry Microscope Camera Eyepiece Accessories Adjustable - Lylight ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Tuesday 20 March 2018 1:45 am - zoom lens 300x 180x 120x 100x industry microscope camera eyepiece accessories adjustable zoom lens 300x 180x 120x 100x industry microscope camera eyepiece accessories adjustable zoom c mount lens feature product description objecti...

Collimator Lens Collimator Lens - globaltyson ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Monday 25 September 2017 6:54 am - collimator lens collimator lens we provide laser lens with different specification we also can make it according to customer's requirement collimating lens wi...

Medical Lens Medical Lens - westcoasthk ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Monday 27 October 2014 1:06 pm - medical lens medical lens diameter 165 mm total length 350 mm fov 41 deg focal length 30 mm f # 0 88 format 4 3 inch wavelength v...

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