Video Measuring Machine Dimension Measurement Instruments X30y20 - chutongelec (
China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 19 May 2022 6:04 am - video measuring machine dimension measurement instruments x30y20 video measuring machine dimension measurement instruments x30y20 manual video image measuring machine
dimension measurement instruments move distanc...
Handheld Diagnost Equipment Portable Metallographic Microscope With Magnetic Base Polarizer - ZZCATMicroscope (
China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 29 July 2020 2:05 am - handheld diagnost equipment portable metallographic microscope with magnetic base polarizer
1 eyepiece 10x 18mm mounting size 23 2mm
2 objective 10x 40x
3 working distance 0 5mm 7 3mm
4 magnification 100x 400x
E Arm Focus Mount Focusing Rack Block With Adjustment Knob - Lylight (
China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Tuesday 30 October 2018 2:43 am - e arm focus mount focusing rack block with adjustment knob e arm focus mount with 76mm diameter ring with 15 875mm 5 8 amp #8243 adapter can be mounted on any of our boom stands or articulating arm stands ...
4segments Nastavljivimi Svetilnost Yk-b144t Namestitev Za Stereo Mikroskopi - Lylight (
China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Sunday 21 October 2018 8:03 am - 4segments nastavljivimi svetilnost yk b144t namestitev za stereo mikroskopi ta prstan je svetloba v tirih segmentih 144 z nastavljivimi jakosti svetlobe med 0 100% barva je temperatura 6 400 k in znaajo priblino 20 000 lu...
Førte Mikroskop Ring Lys Med Svagere Adapterens Strømforsyning Yk-l144t - Lylight (
China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Sunday 21 October 2018 7:40 am - førte mikroskop ring lys med svagere adapterens strømforsyning yk l144t den første serie er økonomisk euroled ring lys belysningsværdier med 64led eller 144 førte til forskellige arbejder afstande lysintensitet er justerba...
Stereo Microscope Focusing Rack Bracket Holder - Lylight (
China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Sunday 14 October 2018 10:51 am - stereo microscope focusing rack bracket holder to hold microscope industry focus arm with bind institution of industry plane focus arm focused by rack and pinion w ball bearing guide to view o...