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Pear juice

Pear juice Trade Leads:

Red Fragrant Pear Red Fragrant Pear - gwpears ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Monday 12 August 2024 2:44 am - red fragrant pear chinese fragrant pears are a complex hybrid variety that has been cultivated for more than 1 300 years in a small province along the silk road in c...

Snow Pear Snow Pear - gwpears ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Monday 12 August 2024 2:42 am - snow pear asian pear also known as nashi pear or chinese white pear is quite different from pears commonly found in europe it has a smooth pale yellow ski...

Egyptian Pear Egyptian Pear - fruitlink ( Egypt-EG Egypt ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Tuesday 21 July 2015 10:39 am - egyptian pear egyptian pear pears fruit is almost sweet juicy yellow or green fruit and rough in texture with a rounded figure it contains much water in it that...

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