Polycarbonate Solid Flat Sheet Solarshield Solid Flat Series - vulcansonco (
Taiwan ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Tuesday 18 December 2018 5:55 am - polycarbonate solid flat sheet solarshield solid flat series
solarshield is an ir protection additive that is designed to work with polycarbonate sheets as a solar heat protection application that attenuates l...
Polycarbonate Materials Diffused Indirect Light Penetration - vulcansonco (
Taiwan ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Tuesday 18 December 2018 5:52 am - polycarbonate materials diffused indirect light penetration
for areas which require only maximum natural lighting but can do without the glare look no further by adding light diffusers in the base material...
Polycarbonate Materials Maximum Natural Light Penetration - vulcansonco (
Taiwan ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Tuesday 18 December 2018 5:51 am - polycarbonate materials maximum natural light penetration
it's a known fact that polycarbonate is highly transparent to visible light with transmission rates on par if not better than all thermoplastics a...
Polycarbonate Materials Interference Color Reflection - vulcansonco (
Taiwan ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Tuesday 18 December 2018 5:50 am - polycarbonate materials interference color reflection
for indoor applications or areas requiring only aesthetic appeal the interference or reflective color of vulcan polycarbonate sheets can be easily...
Polycarbonate Materials Shaded Light Penetration - vulcansonco (
Taiwan ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Tuesday 18 December 2018 5:50 am - polycarbonate materials shaded light penetration best known for its high impact strength formability and non electrical conductivity polycarbonate is highly transparent to visible light with bette...
Photosynthetically Active Radiation Par Selective - vulcansonco (
Taiwan ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Tuesday 18 December 2018 5:49 am - photosynthetically active radiation par selective
as much as we love and need sunlight in architecture and horticulture we dislike the oppressive heat it can bring to closed spaces conventional sh...
Polycarbonate Materials Solarshield Heat Reduction - vulcansonco (
Taiwan ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 31 October 2018 11:09 am - polycarbonate materials solarshield heat reduction
clear but cool transparent ir protection
exceptional heat reduction reduce temperatures by max 15 degrees celsius or 59 degrees fahrenheit