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Products By Category

Wood pulp or dissolver machines

Wood pulp or dissolver machines Trade Leads:

Multi-disc Vacuum Pulp Filter For Sale Multi-disc Vacuum Pulp Filter For Sale - AyMachinery ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 8 November 2018 2:03 am - multi disc vacuum pulp filter for sale disc filter also known as disk filter vacuum disc filter is usually used in washing bleaching system of chemical pulping or chemi mechanical pulp...

Cylinder Thickener Cylinder Thickener - papermc ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 12 April 2018 5:11 am - cylinder thickener cylinder thickener application it is used for washing and thickening low consistency pulp   structural features   simple structure safe in operati...

High Speed Washer For Pulp Making Machine High Speed Washer For Pulp Making Machine - papermc ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 12 April 2018 5:07 am - high speed washer for pulp making machine the machine is the latest generation of washing and concentrating equipment designed for waste paper pulp especially the washing and concentration ...

Selected Products Images
Multi-disc Vacuum Pulp Filter For Sale

Cylinder Thickener

Low-consistency Cleaner For Pulping System Low-consistency Cleaner For Pulping System - papermc ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 19 October 2016 4:22 am - low consistency cleaner for pulping system product description low consistent cleaner can eliminate heavy impurities larger than amp #934 3mm in diameter from waste paper stock as a coarse...

High Consistency Cleaner With High-tech For Paper Mill High Consistency Cleaner With High-tech For Paper Mill - papermc ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 19 October 2016 4:14 am - high consistency cleaner with high tech for paper mill product description 1 the high quality 2 high cost effective 3 sincerely to every customer production description it is mainly used to remov...

China Paper Making Machine And Thickener Cylinder Mould China Paper Making Machine And Thickener Cylinder Mould - papermc ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 12 October 2016 11:10 am - china paper making machine and thickener cylinder mould cylinder mold for paper machine and thickener cylinder mould cylinder mold is used in the thickener and forming section of paper machine our produ...

Zmc Wood Chips Washing And Dewatering Machine Zmc Wood Chips Washing And Dewatering Machine - papermc ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Tuesday 2 August 2016 3:35 am - zmc wood chips washing and dewatering machine zmc wood chips washing and dewatering machine application it used for the wood chip and bamboo chip washing and dewatering capacity 50 500m3 h...

Tmf Twin-screw Kneader Tmf Twin-screw Kneader - papermc ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Tuesday 2 August 2016 3:30 am - tmf twin screw kneader tmf twin screw kneader application it is used for beating of various raw materials such as straw bulrush cotton stem poplar haulm etc to pr...

Waste Water Treatment Machine Waste Water Treatment Machine - papermc ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 27 July 2016 9:30 am - waste water treatment machine waste water treatment machine application gxtm waste water treatment machine is mainly used in the pulping white water treatment section of the w...

Super-efficient Shallow Air-floating Super-efficient Shallow Air-floating - papermc ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 27 July 2016 9:28 am - super efficient shallow air floating super efficient shallow air floating super efficient shallow air floating daf uses advancedmicro oxidation and high density ion air bubble techni...

Eco Flotation Cell Eco Flotation Cell - papermc ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 27 July 2016 9:13 am - eco flotation cell eco flotation cell application eco flotation cell is mainly used in flotation section of waste paper deinking pulping line for removal of hydrop...

Mac Flotation Cell Mac Flotation Cell - papermc ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 27 July 2016 9:11 am - mac flotation cell mac flotation cell application mac flotation cell is mainly used in the flotation section of waste paper deinking pulping for removal of hydroph...

Member Business Card

Member: papermc
Country: China
Member since: 12 January 2010
Total Leads: 2183
Business focus: Paper Machinery, Stock Preparation, Stock Pulper, Refiner, Pressure Screen, Paper, Machinery, Screen, Cleaner, Thruster, Washer, Conveyor, Thickener

High Consistency Bleaching Tower For Paper Pulp Machine High Consistency Bleaching Tower For Paper Pulp Machine - papermc ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 27 July 2016 8:55 am - high consistency bleaching tower for paper pulp machine high consistency bleaching tower for paper pulp machine application zpt series high consistency bleaching tower is mainly used in high consistenc...

Medium Consistency Bleaching Tower And Medium Consistency Mixer For Paper Pulp Machine Medium Consistency Bleaching Tower And Medium Consistency Mixer For Paper Pulp Machine - papermc ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 27 July 2016 8:35 am - medium consistency bleaching tower and medium consistency mixer for paper pulp machine medium consistency bleaching tower and medium consistency mixer application zpt medium consistency bleaching tower is mainly used in the medium c...

Inflow Approach Screen And Fine Screen For Paper Mchine Inflow Approach Screen And Fine Screen For Paper Mchine - papermc ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Tuesday 14 June 2016 10:55 am - inflow approach screen and fine screen for paper mchine inflow approach screen and fine screen for paper machine feature 1 using andritz technology it has two types approach screen and fine screen ...

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