Product Description:
Founded in 1986, JAIN SCIENTIFIC SUPPLIERS are universally recognized as leading and reliable Manufacturer
and Exporter of models.
Commencing operations back in the 1980’s with just a small range, our constant process of product and market development has witnessed continual interest and growth.
We now cater directly to a complete array of needs for every imaginable Laboratory / Industry from Agriculture to Education, Industrial to Environmental, Life Sciences to Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology to Medical. Our heavy R & D focus and obligation to advancement is expanding our opportunities both in the local and International market.
Company Contact:

Contact Name: Ravi Jain
Company Name: Jain Scientific Suppliers
Tel: +91-171-2641803
Fax: +91-171-2642492
Street Address: 2475-84, Hargolal
Road Ambala Cantt, Haryana, India
Member name: jainscientific

Member Since: 10 July 2010
Total Leads:
2 jainscientific Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Laboratory, Scientific, Educational Instruments

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