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Black Welded Wire Fence Panels

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Wednesday 5 August 2009 10:43 am | Poster last visit: Monday 8 February 2010 |

Product Photo:

welded wire fence panels

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Product Description:

black welded wire fence panels

Welded Wire Fence Panels were connected to a series of upright posts

to form a fence. Such prior art panels are made of upright steel wires of circular cross section welded to horizontal steel wires. To provide a sturdy fence made of such panels, the wires must be of relatively large diameter, or else the horizontal and vertical wires must be relatively closely spaced throughout the panel. The larger diameter wires make the fence expensive, and the closely-spaced grid pattern of smaller wires makes such fences easy for small children to climb.

Welded Wire Fence Panels :Finish

High Adherence plastic coating on galvanised steel.

Company Contact:

Steellongwirecloth photo
Contact Name: Jessica Lu
Company Name: Steellong Wire Cloth Co., Ltd.
Email: Email
Tel: 86-311-87878922
Fax: 86-311-87030606
Street Address: Leader Building A-1510,
No. 351 Xinhua Road, Shijiazhuang City,
Hebei Province, China
Website: http://www.steellong.com
Website: http://www.steellong.cn
Member name: Steellongwirecloth
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 16 December 2008
Total Leads: 493 Steellongwirecloth Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Stainless Steel Filters, Stainless Steel Wire, Stainless Steel Fiber, Stainless Steel Barbecue Grill, Stainless Steel Crimped Mesh
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