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Dermaroller Micro Needle Therapy Unit

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Sunday 27 June 2010 3:17 pm | Poster last visit: Tuesday 18 June 2013 |

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dermaroller micro needle therapy

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Product Description:

The Derma Roller (Dermaroller) is an beauty device which naturally increases the levels of collagen

and elastin in your skin. Stretch marks, wrinkles, scars and uneven, pitted skin are all due to a lack of collagen. With using a DermaRoller to replace the collagen you can help your skin renew itself and repair to a cosmetic level. The BS-DR2 dermaroller is a portable one specially designed for beauty purpose. It comes with different submodels targeted at different treatment purpose.

The photon therapy is done by the theory that biological tissues absorb the light energy and transfer light energy into heat and chemical energy, resulting in a series of chain reactions of human body.

Two LED phototherapy option for BS-DR2 dermaroller:

1 .430 nm Blue light to eliminate acne inflammation:Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, renewal,, inhibit sebum secretion, has anti-aging effects, and make the skin soft, smooth, white and charming!

2 . 633nm high- energy narrow-band red light, speed up healing: to make human muscle and skin cells grow 5times of the normal rate, increase endurance and resistane to fatigue, promote cell metabolism

At the same time it resonates with mitochondria of human tissue, strongly absorbed by mitochondria, produces enzymatic reaction.


* Stretch Mark Removal and Stretch Mark Treatment

* Acne Scar Removal

* Anti Wrinkle Treatment / Anti Aging

* Hair Loss Treatment or Hair Restoration

* Surgical Scar Removal

* Cellulite Treatment and Cellulite Reduction

Company Contact:

No member photo
Contact Name: Mr. Thalys Teng
Company Name: Sincery International Limited
Email: Email
Tel: 0086-21-54809239
Fax: 0086-21-54809439
Street Address: Room 2403
Hua Chang Road, NO.9 Building
Shanghai City, China (200081)
Website: https://www.sincery.com/
Member name: thalys
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 07 July 2007
Total Leads: 136 thalys Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Beauty Equipment, Tattoo Removal, IPL Hair Removal, LED Skin Rejuvenation, Breast Enhancer, Radio Frequency Skin Rejuvenation, YAG Laser, Peel Jet
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