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Diamond Squaring Disc

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Monday 25 July 2011 8:20 am | Poster last visit: Friday 16 March 2018 |

Product Photo:

diamond squaring disc

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Product Description:

Diamond grinding wheels, diamond grinding cup wheels, diamond shaping wheels, brazed diamond cup wheels,

Resin filled diamond cupwheels. No matter what the name the purpose is the same, the grinding, shaping, flattening, or smoothing of granite, marble, porcelain, concrete, and other natural or man-made materials.

We offer a full line of diamond grinding and shaping wheels for many applications. These grinding wheels come in many different sizes. Remember to avoid excessive feeds. Every grinding operation is different. What is an excessive removal rate on one operation may be acceptable on another.

Excessive feed on a given operation will cause premature wheel wear. Excessively high feed rates are characterized by a harsh grinding sound, chatter, burn, high sheer wear rate, vibration. Furthur infomation is available upon your contact.

Company Contact:

StoneDiamondTools photo
Contact Name: Jane
Company Name: Xiamen Diamond Tools Co., Ltd
Email: Email
Tel: +86 592-5099391
Fax: +86 592-5099319
Street Address: Floor 11d, Hongsheng
Building, No.4, West Hexiang Road,
Xiamen, China
Website: https://www.stonediamondtool.com
Member name: StoneDiamondTools
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 08 July 2011
Total Leads: 466 StoneDiamondTools Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Stone Diamond Tools
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