Product Description:
FGD Slurry Recirculation Pump
Product Description
Flue-gas desulfurization Pump (FGD) is a set of technologies
used to remove sulfur dioxide (SO2) from exhaust flue gases of fossil-fuel power plants, and from the emissions of other sulfur oxide emitting processes such as waste incineration. One of its core equipment is the FGD RC Pump. The FGD RC pump manufactured by Shijiazhuang Industrial Pump Factory Co., Ltd. is designed with horizontal, single-case, single-stage, single suction, bracket or suspension type structure. All wet-end parts are made of high chrome alloy material GLH-5 and GLH-6(equivalent to A49). According to the technical scheme, by adopting optimized structural design and special modified materials, abrasion and corrosion resistance of the desulphurization pump can be achieved, and the service life of the desulphurization pump is prolonged.
Company Contact:

Contact Name: John Fan
Company Name: Shijiazhuang Industrial Pump Factory Co., Ltd
Tel: 86-0311-80679672
Fax: 86-0311-82074608
Street Address: No.5 Jingyang Road,
Jingxing Mine District
Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050100
Member name: sgbslurrypump

Member Since: 25 November 2022
Total Leads:
10 sgbslurrypump Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Slurry Pump, Desulphurization Pump, Dredging Pump

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