Product Description:
Widely used in Floor maintenance, Surface cleaning quality control, Stone and tile gloss measurement,
Checking printed matter, Quality control of paint and ink, Polished metal surface, measurement (chrome plating), Inspection of paint protection and waxing, Auto-body paint inspection, Surface inspection
of plastic moldings, Evaluation of detergents and washers, Checking masonry and washers, Checking building exteriors.
Model No:GM-026
Technical specifications
Display:4 digits backlit LCD
Measuring geometry: 20/60 Degrees
Range: 0.1 to 200 gloss units
Accuracy:±1.0 gloss unit
( against reference standard )
Resolution: 0.1 gloss unit
Repeatability: ±0.5 GU(0 ... 99.9)
Measuring area: mm ellipse
Data memorized: groups
Data output: RS 232 C serial interface
Company Contact:

Contact Name: Annie Wu
Company Name: Guangzhou Landtek Instruments Co., Ltd
Tel: 86-020-81609313
Fax: 86-020-81509478
Street Address: Flat C, Kengkou
Electronic Base, No.9 Huaxi Rd.,
Fangcun, Guangzhou, China
Member name: landtekwyl

Member Since: 31 July 2012
Total Leads:
69 landtekwyl Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Instrument, Meter, Gauge

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