Product Description:
The device is the key of paper machine and its function is supplying uniform and steady pulp
flow to paper machine wire part. Different pulp, different machine speed, different flow the design of headbox is different. So when choose headbox, please pay more attention. Our company design and produce headbox according to the informaiton of our customers’ paper making machine, calculate and design with the help of computer. Thus our headbox can meet customers’ requirements and obtain the best using effect, with good formation of paper web, small cross basic weight difference.
Company Contact:

Contact Name: Vicky Wang
Company Name: Hengbon Industrial Co., Ltd.
Skype: vicky_hengbon
Yahoo Messanger:
Tel: 0086 15610503516
Fax: 0086 532 82823216
Street Address: Hengbon Industrial Zone,
Zhucheng, Weifang, Shandong, China
Member name: papermc

Member Since: 12 January 2010
Total Leads:
2183 papermc Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Paper Machinery, Stock Preparation, Stock Pulper, Refiner, Pressure Screen, Paper, Machinery, Screen, Cleaner, Thruster, Washer, Conveyor, Thickener

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