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Palisade Fence D Type

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Wednesday 24 April 2013 8:17 am | Poster last visit: Wednesday 25 September 2013 |

Product Photo:

palisade fence d

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Product Description:

Palisade fence D type

Palisade fencing is becoming more popular, and because of its strength and security,

Steel Palisade fencing offers the ideal deterrent for crime. Designed specifically for security fencing applications, Palisade fencing is used extensively by local authorities and businesses as the ideal visual barrier against would-be intruders, ensuring safety as well as peace of mind.

The fencing pales are available in a choice of 2 styles, "W" section and "D" section.

Palisade Fence Pales-"W" section

Most useful vetical type of pales for palisade fencing,  which is always the customers' first choice for pales 

Palisade Fence Pales-"D" section

Compared with "W" profile pales,  "D" profile is more economical.

Company Contact:

wiremeshglobal photo
Contact Name: Guozhao Li
Company Name: Hebei Qianye Metal Products Co., Ltd.
Email: Email
Tel: 8631185525702
Fax: 8631185525815
Street Address: Room 1004, Tianzi
Guanli Apartment 2#, No.39 Guangan
Street, Changan District,
Shijiazhuang City, Heb
Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050000
Website: http://www.wiremeshglobal.org
Member name: wiremeshglobal
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 01 February 2013
Total Leads: 42 wiremeshglobal Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Airport Fence, Barbed Wire, Chain Link Fence, Concertina Razor Wire, Double Wire Panel Fence, Euro Fence, High Security Fence, Palisade Fence, Rolltop Fence, T
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