Product Description:
Pigment Blue 15:3--Fast Blue BGS
Fast Blue BGS(Pigment Blue 15:3)
CAS No.: 147-14-8
EU No.: 205-685-1
Formula: C32H16CuN8
Molecular weight:576.07
Following are the technical data sheet of Pigment Blue 15:3:
Shade Greenish
Specific Gravity (g/cm3 H2O = 1) 1.5
Bulk density (lb/gal) 12.4-14.1
Melting Point(ˇć) 480
Average partical (nm) 123
Surface area (m2/g) 33-63
PH value 7
Oil absorption(g/100g) 45
Tinting strength Transparent
Company code No. Application
UN8619 Greenish, high fluidity, high temperature resistance, offset, plastic rubber
UN8620 Greenish, high temperature resistance, high glossy, fibre-masterbatch, paint, solvent
UN8621 Greenish, offset inks, paint
UN8623 Greenish, ultra fine, paint, plastic rubber
UN8624 Greenish, easily dispersible, aqueous inks, textile printing
UN8625 Reddish, aqueous inks, textile printing
UN8626 Greenish, easily dispersible, aqueous inks, textile printing
UN8627 Greenish, high strength, aqueous inks, textile printing
Company Contact:

Contact Name: Shine Xia
Company Name: HUPC Chemical Co., Ltd.
Tel: 0086-571-88491745
Fax: 0086-571-88491746
Street Address: No.8 Xiyuan Three Road,
3rd Floor, Building A, Hangzhou, P.R.China
Member name: HUPCChemical

Member Since: 27 June 2011
Total Leads:
78 HUPCChemical Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Wholesale Pigments, Resin, Inks

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