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Sauer Pv90r30, Pv90r42, Pv90r55, Pv90r75, Pv90r100, Pv90r130, Pv90r180, Pv90r250 Piston Pump Parts

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Wednesday 12 August 2009 8:52 am | Poster last visit: Thursday 10 September 2009 |

Product Photo:

sauer pv90r30 pv90r42 pv90r55 pv90r75 pv90r100 pv90r130 pv90r180 pv90r250 piston pump

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Product Description:

Jiangsu Super Hydraulic Inc, remanufacture Sauer series piston pump, hydraulic pump, piston pump parts,

pump components.

The model includes: PV90R30, PV90R42, PV90R55, PV90R75, PV90R100, PV90R130, PV90R180, PV90R250

Super Hydraulic produce Barrel, Cylinder block, retainer plate, valve plate, piston with rings, piston ring, piston, housing, rear cover, drive shaft, seal kits, center pin, set plate etc.

Company Contact:

No member photo
Contact Name: Dennis
Company Name: Jiangsu Super Hydraulic Co., Ltd
Email: Email
Tel: 00862583408096
Fax: 00862584058578
Street Address: Changjiang Sci-Tech Park,
No, 97, Luxiying, Nanjing, China
Website: http://www.super-hyd.com
Member name: superhyd
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 12 August 2009
Total Leads: 31 superhyd Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Piston Pump Parts, Hydraulic Pump
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