Product Description:
ODM-1000A biometer features:
Used for the measurement of eye segments and IOL power;
Compact body,
portable design with net weight 1.5 Kg;
Six most popular IOL power formulae;
Inner thermal printer for both IOL power and graphics;
Foot switch for easy control.
Company Contact:

Contact Name: Ivy Chang
Company Name: Meda Co., Ltd
Tel: 86-22-83713808
Fax: 86-22-83713880
Street Address: C2-F3-D, Xinmao
Science Skill Park, Huayuan Industry
Development Area, Nankai District,
Tianjin 300384, China
Member name: medaivy

Member Since: 03 April 2009
Total Leads:
70 medaivy Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: A/B Scan Ultrasound, Biometer, Pachymeter, Ubm, Phaco Emulsifier

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