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Forced Vibration And Resonance Experimental Apparatus

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Friday 3 July 2009 6:25 am | Poster last visit: Tuesday 27 October 2009 |

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forced vibration resonance experimental apparatus

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Product Description:

Forced vibration and resonance are often used in engineering and science research. For example, in fields

of architecture and mechanical engineering, resonance is unfavorable and often needs to be avoided to ensure the quality of construction. However, in some petrochemical processing enterprises, principle of resonance is frequently used to detect fluid density and fluid level. Therefore, forced vibration and resonance are important laws of physics, and are getting more attention in physics and engineering.

The apparatus takes the tuning fork vibration system as the study object, and takes the electromagnetic force of excitation coil as the excitation force, and piezoelectric transducing chip as the amplitude monitoring sensor, to measure relationship between the vibration amplitude and the frequency of the driving force. It is equipped with an additional PC acquisition and analysis system, and it can automatically scan the resonance curve, and measure the mass of weight b linear fitting method.

The apparatus

Company Contact:

ceieczhb photo
Contact Name: Wangwang
Company Name: China Educational Instrument & Equipment Corp.
Email: Email
Tel: +8610-66068076
Fax: +8610-66062112
Street Address: No. 1, Bei Yi Xiang,
Damucang Hutong, Xicheng Disctrict,
Beijing, China 100032
Website: http://en.china-didac.com
Member name: ceieczhb
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 09 April 2009
Total Leads: 39 ceieczhb Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Educational Products, Agriculture, Chemicals, Electrical, Electronics, Machinery, Metallury, Mineral, Energy, Tools, Hardware
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