Product Description:
The type of G118V was designed on the basis of GSM-type security and
increased the functions of long-range
control function, GPS localization, SMS, monitoring and so on., the one with exquisite appearance, high stability, unlimited hands-free car phones, GPS location, its powerful but competitive
price, especially for personal cars, taxis, public vehicles and other lines, Comparing with GSM-based anti-theft, the introduction of the type of 368
produced a qualitative leap, powerful hardware, stable power management
design, rich-resources campaign ARMdominated CPUprovides 32KB of static
RAMand 128KB of FLASHprogrammemory. 128 width interface/accelerator
can achieve up to 60 MHZ frequency. To provide 16 analog input, multiple
serial interface, as many as nine interrupt pins. To ensure the product can be a
powerful promotion and continuity.
Company Contact:

Contact Name: Jackie Chow
Company Name: VSTAR International Ltd.
Tel: 086-755-86088668
Cell: 086-13622364334
Fax: 086-755-86088668
Street Address: No.203 Building,
Shatoujiao, Yantian District,
Shenzhen, China
Member name: burglaralarmsystem

Member Since: 29 July 2009
Total Leads:
1749 burglaralarmsystem Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Burglar Alarm System, Home Security Alarm System, Wireless Alarm System, Gsm Alarm System

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