Product Description:
Slew drives are used for concurrent transmission of axial and radial forces, as well as transmission
of tilting moments. Slew drives consist of a ball or roller slewing ring, hydraulic or electric drives, and a completely enclosed housing. Series WD slew drives are designed with worm gear.
Typical applications:
Manlift platforms, steering gears for undercarriages of cranes, and heavy-duty vehicles, loading cranes, turntables, forklift rotators, mining equipment, photovoltaic and solar thermal applications
Exhibits high torque at low output speeds and transmits high tilting moments, axial and radial loads
Attains highest capacity with smallest diameter configuration
Flat design, due to tangentially located drives
Provides high torque transmission (however, the duty must be taken into consideration)
Self-locking and non-self-locking Slew Drives are available
Consider the position of the output shaft when selecting the Slew Drive
WD-L 0223 single row, WD-L 0223 double row, WD-L 0343 single row, WD-L 0419 single row, WD-L 0419 double row, WD-L 0478 single row, WD-L 0625 single row
Wd-h 0146, wd-h 0220, wd-h 0300 single drive, wd-h 0300 twin drive, wd-h 0373 single drive, wd-h 0373 twin drive, wd-h 0490 single drive, wd-h 0490 twin drive, wd-h 0645 single drive, wd-h 0645 twin drive
Company Contact:

Contact Name: Yifan Xiao
Company Name: IMO Group
Tel: +86 10 85296463
Fax: +86 10 85298441
Street Address: Beijing Prime Tower
Office Building 16, Floor 12A, 22
Chaoyangmenwai Road, Chaoyang District,
Beijing 100020, China
Member name: imogroup

Member Since: 02 August 2010
Total Leads:
9 imogroup Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Slewing Rings, Ball Slewing Rings, Roller Slewing Rings, Turntable Bearings, Yaw Bearings, Blade Bearings, Pitch Bearings, Single Main Bearings

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